
Eğitim Seti Hakkında

"Diamond Pack," İngilizce dilinin temel yapısını anlamak ve ifade etmek isteyen dil öğrencileri için özel olarak tasarlanmış bir eğitim setidir. Bu eğitim seti, sıfatlar (adjectives) ile edatlar (prepositions) arasındaki kombinasyonları öğretmeyi amaçlayarak öğrencilerin dil yeteneklerini geliştirmeyi hedefler.

Set, 160 sıfatı ve 60 edatı içerir ve bu kelimelerin her birini farklı cümlelerde kullanarak öğrencilere pratik yapma fırsatı sunar. Öğrenciler, her bir sıfat-edat kombinasyonunu örnek cümlelerle öğrenirken, bu ifadelerin hangi durumlarda doğru bir şekilde kullanılması gerektiğini anlamak için detaylı açıklamalara erişebilirler.

Öğrenciler, "Diamond Pack" eğitim seti ile aşağıdaki konularda daha iyi bir anlayış geliştirirler:

  • Sıfatların ve edatların birlikte kullanılmasıyla cümle yapısı
  • İngilizce ifadelerin doğru ve etkili kullanımı
  • Kelimelerin gerçek dünya ile nasıl ilişkilendirileceği

Bu eğitim seti, hem İngilizceyi yeni öğrenenler hem de dil becerilerini geliştirmek isteyen ileri düzeydeki öğrenciler için uygundur. Öğrenciler, İngilizce dilinde daha iyi iletişim kurma ve yazılı ifadelerini zenginleştirme fırsatı bulurlar.

Eğitimin Çıktıları

"Diamond Pack" eğitim seti tamamlandığında, öğrenciler aşağıdaki becerilere sahip olurlar:

  • İngilizce dilinde 160 farklı sıfat ile 60 farklı edatın doğru kullanımını anlama ve uygulama yeteneği.
  • İngilizce ifadeleri daha doğru ve etkili bir şekilde oluşturabilme yeteneği.
  • İngilizce dilinde sıfatlar ve edatlar arasındaki doğru ilişkiyi anlama yeteneği.
  • Öğrencilerin yazılı ve sözlü iletişimlerini daha zenginleştirme yeteneği.
  • Dilbilgisi kurallarına uygun cümle yapısı oluşturabilme yeteneği.
  • İngilizce dilinde daha fazla ifade ve kelime çeşitliliği ile iletişim kurabilme yeteneği.

Bu eğitim seti, öğrencilerin İngilizce dilinde daha yetenekli ve güvenli iletişimciler olmalarını destekler ve onların dilbilgisi becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olur.

Eğitimin Niteliği ve Detayı

"Diamond Pack" eğitim seti, İngilizce dilinin karmaşıklığını anlamak ve ifadeleri zenginleştirmek isteyen dil öğrencileri için tasarlanmıştır. Bu set, öğrencilere sıfatlar (adjectives) ile edatlar (prepositions) arasındaki doğru kombinasyonları öğretirken, dilbilgisel yapıları anlamalarına yardımcı olur.

Eğitim, 160 farklı sıfatı ve 60 farklı edatı içerir. Öğrenciler, her bir kelimenin kullanımını öğrenmek ve bu ifadeleri gerçek hayatta nasıl kullanacaklarını anlamak için örnek cümleler ve açıklamalarla desteklenir. Ayrıca, bu ifadelerin hangi bağlamda uygun olduğunu anlama becerisi geliştirilir.

Eğitim seti aşağıdaki konuları kapsar:

  • Sıfatlar (adjectives) ile edatlar (prepositions) kombinasyonlarının kullanımı
  • İngilizce dilinde daha doğru ve etkili ifade yaratma yeteneği
  • Dilbilgisi kurallarına uygun cümle yapısı oluşturma

Öğrenciler, "Diamond Pack" ile İngilizce dilinde daha fazla ifade yeteneği kazanır ve yazılı ve sözlü iletişimlerini daha etkili hale getirirler. Bu eğitim seti, İngilizce dilindeki dilbilgisi becerilerini geliştirmek isteyen herkes için uygundur.

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Eğitim Seti Bilgileri

Kategori:   Filoloji ve Güzel Sanatlar
Eğitmen:   Öğretmen Ersin Işıklı
Sertifika:   Evet
Video Sayısı:   873

Kurs İçeriği

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 1 - ABSENT FROM

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 2 - ACCUSTOMED TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 3 -ABREAST OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 4 - ADJACENT TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 5 - ADDICTED TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 6 - AFRAID OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 7 - ANGRY WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 8 - ANNOYED WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 9 - ALLERGIC TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 10 - AMAZED AT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 11 - ANXIOUS ABOUT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 12 - APPRECIATIVE OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 13 - ASHAMED OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 14 - ASTONISHED AT - BY

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 15 - AWARE OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 16 - ATTACHED TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 17 - BAD AT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 18 - BASED ON

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 19 - BENEFICIAL TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 20 - BORED WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 21 - BRILLIANT AT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 22 - BUSY WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 23 - ATTENTIVE TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 24 - BENEFICIAL FOR - TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 25 - CAPABLE OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 26 - CERTAIN ABOUT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 27 - CHARACTERISTIC OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 28 - COMMITTED TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 29 - CLOSE TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 30 - COMPATIBLE WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 31 - COMPOSED OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 32 - CONCERNED ABOUT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 33 - CONFRONTED WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 34 - CONNECTED WITH - TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 35 - CONSCIOUS OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 36 - CONSISTENT WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 37 - CONTENT WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 38 - CONVINCED OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 39 - CRAZY ABOUT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 40 - CURIOUS ABOUT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 41 - CONTRARY TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 42 - COVERED WITH - IN

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 43 - DEFICIENT IN

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 44 - DESPERATE WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 45 - DEVOID OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition -ADJ + PREP 46 - DIFFERNT FROM - TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 47 - DOUBTFUL ABOUT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 48 - EFFICIENT IN

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 49 - ELIGIBLE FOR

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 50 - EAGER FOR - TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 51 - ENVIOUS OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 52 - EQUAL TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 53 - EXPERIENCED IN

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 54 - EXPOSED TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 55 - FAMILIAR WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 56 - FAMOUS FOR

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 57 - GUILTY OF - ABOUT

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 58 - HOSTILE TO - TOWARDS

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 59 - INDEBTED TO

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 60 - PATIENT WITH

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 61 - PROUD OF

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 62 - READY FOR

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 63 - RESPONSIBLE FOR

Ersin Hoca - adjective + preposition - ADJ + PREP 64 - SCARED OF

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 1. ABRUPT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 2. ABSOLUTE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 3. ABSTRACT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 4. ABSURD

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 5. ABUNDANT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 6. ABUSIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 7. ACCESSIBLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 8. ACCIDENTAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 9. ACCOMPLISHED

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 10. ACCURATE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 11. ACUTE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 12. ADAMANT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 13. ADAPTABLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 14. ADDICTED

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 15. ADEQUATE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 16. ADVERSE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 17. AFFLUENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 18. ALERT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 19. AMBIGUOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 20. AMIABLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 21. AMORAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 22. AMPLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 23. ANCIENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 24. ANXIOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 25. APPARENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 26. APPLICABLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 27. APPREHENSIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 28. ARBITRARY

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 29. ARTIFICIAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 30. ASSERTIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 31. ATTRACTIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 32. AWKWARD

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 33. BENEFICIAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 34. BRILLIANT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 35. BRUTAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 36 CANDID

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 37 CATASTROPHIC

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 38 CHIEF

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 39 COARSE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 40 COGNITIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 41 COHERENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 42 COHESIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 43 COMPLETE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 44 COMPLEX

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 45 COMPREHENSIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 46 COMPULSORY

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 47 CONCLUSIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 48 CONCRETE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 49 CONFIDENTIAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 50 CONFUSING

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 51 CONSECUTIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 52 CONSIDERABLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 53 CONSTANT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 54 CONTAGIOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 55 CONTEMPORARY

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 56 CONTENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 57 CONTROVERSIAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 58 CONVENIENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 59 COURAGEOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 60 CREDIBLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 61 CRUCIAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 62 CRUDE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 63 CUSTOMARY

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 64 DEFICIENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 65 DELIBEARTE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 66 DELICATE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 67 DESPERATE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 68 DEVOUT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 69 DILIGENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 70 DIM

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 71 DISABLED

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 72 DISASTROUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 73 DISCREET

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 74 DISTINCT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 75 DIVERSE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 76 DIVINE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 77 DOMESTIC(ATED)

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 78 DRASTIC

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 79 DULL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 80 DURABLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 81 ELABORATE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 82 ELEGANT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 83 EMBARRASSED

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 84 EMINENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 85 EMOTIONAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 86 EMPIRICAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 87 ENORMOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 88 EPIDEMIC

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 89 ERRONEOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 90 ETERNAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 91 EVENTUAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 92 EXACT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 93 EXCESSIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 94 EXPILICIT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 95 EXTENSIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 96 EXTINCT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 97 EXTRAVAGANT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 98 EXTREME

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 99 FAKE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 100 FALSE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 101 FAMILIAR

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 102 FASCINATING

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 103 FATAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 104 FAULTY

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 105 FEASIBLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 106 FERTILE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 107 FINITE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 108 FIRM

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 109 FORMIDABLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 110 FRAGILE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 111 FURIOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 112 FUTILE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 113 GLOOMY

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 114 GLORIOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 115 GRACEFUL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 116 GRADUAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 117 GRATEFUL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 118 GRREDY

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 119 GROUNDLESS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 120 HAZARDOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 121 HOLY

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 122 HOMOGENOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 123 HOSTILE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 124 HUMBLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 125 HUMID

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 126 ILLEGIBLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 127 ILLICIT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 128 ILLITERATE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 129 IMMINENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 130 IMPERATIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 131 INCLUSIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 132 INGENIOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 133 INHERENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 134 INITIAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 135 INSANE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 136 INSUFFICIENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 137 INTENSE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 138 INTERIM

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 139 IRRELEVANT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 140 IRREVERSIBLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 141 JUVANILE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 142 LITERAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 143 LOYAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 144 MARVELLOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 145 MEDIEVAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 146 MERCIFUL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 147 METICULOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 148 MIRACULOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 149 MOBILE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 151 MUTUAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 150 MORAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 152 NAIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 153 NOTORIOUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 154 OBEDIENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 155 OBSOLETE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 156 OBSTINATE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 157 ODD

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 158 OPTIONAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 159 OVERWHELMING

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 160 PARTIAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 161 PARTICULAR

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 162 PASSIONATE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 163 PLAIN

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 164 PREDICTABLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 165 PREVALENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 166 PRODUCTIVE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 167 PROMINENT

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 168 RANDOM

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 169 RIGOROUS

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 170 RITUAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 171 ROTTEN

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 172 SOLE

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 173 STIMULATING

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 174 SUPERFICIAL

Ersin Hoca - adjectives - 175 TENSE

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 1 - ABNORMALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 2 - ABROAD

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 3 - ABRUPTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 5 - ABSURDLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 4 - ABSOLUTELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 6 - ACCIDENTALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 8 - ACTUALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 7 - ACCORDINGLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 9 - ACUTELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 11 - ALMOST

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 10 - ADEQUATELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 12 - ALTERNATIVELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 13 - ANNUALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 14 - ANXIOUSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 15 - APPARENTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 16 - APPROPRIATELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 17 - APPROXIMATELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 18 - ARROGANTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 19 - AWKWARDLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 20 - BARELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 21 - BASICALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 22 - BITTERLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 23 - BLINDLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 24 - BLUNTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 25 - BOASTFULLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 26 - BOLDLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 27 - BRIEFLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 28 - BRIGHTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 29 - BROADLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 30 - CARELESSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 31 - CERTAINLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 32 - CLEARLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 33 - CONCISELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 34 - CONSEQUENTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 35 - CONSIDERABLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 36 - CONSISTENTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 37 - DEEPLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 38 - DELIBERATELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 39 - DELIGHTFULLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 42 - ELABORATELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 41 - DREADFULLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 40 - DRASTICALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 43 - ELEGANTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 44 - ENORMOUSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 45 - EQUALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 46 - ESPECIALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 47 - EXCESSIVELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 48 - EXPLICITLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 49 - FAIRLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 50 - FAITHFULLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 51 - FATALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 52 - FEASIBLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 53 - FIERCELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 54 - FIRMLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 55 - FOREVER

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 56 - FORTUNATELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 58 - GENEROUSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 57 - FURIOUSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 60 - GRATEFULLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 59 - GRADUALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 62 - HARDLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 64 - HASTILY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 61 - HAPHAZARDLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 63 - HARSHLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 65 - HITHERTO

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 66 - INSTANTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 67 - INVARIABLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 68 - KINDLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 69 - LATELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 70 - LITERALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 71 - MARVELLOUSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 73 - MERELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 72 - MERCILESSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 74 - METICULOUSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 75 - MISERABLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 76 - MOSTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 77 - MUTUALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 78 - NEARLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 79 - PLACIDLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 80 - HUMOROUSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 82 - PREVIOUSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 83 - RELATIVELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 81 - PRESUMABLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 84 - RELUCTANTLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 85 - RESPECTIVELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 86 - RIGIDLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 87 - SENSIBLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 88 - SENTIMENTALLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 89 - SIMULTANEOUSLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 90 - SKILLFULLY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 91 - STRANGELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 92 - TEMPORARILY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 93 - ULTIMATELY

Ersin Hoca - adverbs 94 - WILLINGLY

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 1 - access to

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 3 - admiration for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 2 - advantage of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 4 - advice on

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 5 - alternative to

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 6 - application for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 7 - association with

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 8 - attack on

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 9 - attitue to - towards

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 10 - authority on - over

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 16 - connection between - with

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 17 - contrast between - with

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 19 - credit for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 14 - commendation on

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 18 - cost of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 15 - comparison between

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 12 - cause of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 13 - characteristic of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 11 - benefit of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 21 - cure for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 23 - decrease in

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 22 - damage to

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 20 - cruelty towards - to

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 24 - delay in

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 25 - demand for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 26 - desire for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 27 - difference between - of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 28 - difficulty in - with

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 30 - effect on

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 29 - disadvantage of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 31 - example of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 32 - exception to

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 33 - expert at - in - on

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 35 - fall in - of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 34 - experience in - for - of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 36 - increase in

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 37 - influence over -on

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 38 - interest in

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 39 - knowledge in - of - about

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 40 - lack of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 41 - link with - between

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 42 - matter with

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 43 - need for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 44 - notice of - about

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 45 - opinion of - about - on

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 46 - order for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 48 - preference for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 47 - pleasure in

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 49 - protection from - against

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 50 - reaction to

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 51 - reason for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 53 - reply to

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 52 - recipe for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 55 - sense of

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 54 - respect for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 56 - struggle for - against

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 57 - sympathy for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 58 - threat to - for

Ersin Hoca - noun + preposition - noun + prep 59 - use of

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 2 - ACCOUNT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 1 - ABUNDANCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 3 - ACHIEVEMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 4 - ADDICTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 5 - ADDITION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 6 - ADMINISTRATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 7 - ADVERTISEMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 8 - ADVICE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 9 - AGREEMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 10 - AILMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 11 - ALLOWANCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 12 - ALTERATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 13 - AMOUNT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 14 - ANGER

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 18 - ASSETS

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 19 - ASYLUM

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 20 - ATTENTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 15 - APPLIANCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 21 - ATTITUDE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 22 - ATTRACTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 23 - AUTHORITY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 17 - ARGUMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 16 - APTITUDE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 25 - BANKRUPTCY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 27 - BATTLE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 26 - BASE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 28 - BELIEF

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 30 - BORDER

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 29 - BIAS

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 31 - BRANCH

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 32 - BREATH

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 35 - CALAMITY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 33 - BRIBERY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 34 - BURDEN

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 24 - BALANCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 37 - CAVE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 38 - CHALLENGE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 39 - CHANCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 40 - CHARITY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 42 - CLIENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 41 - CLARITY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 36 - CASE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 43 - COACH

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 44 - COAST

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 45 - COMBINATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 46 - COMMERCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 47 - COMPETITION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 48 - COMPULSION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 49 - CONCESSION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 50 - CONFIDENCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 51 - CONSENSUS

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 52 - CONSPIRACY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 53 - CRAFT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 56 - CURIOSITY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 57 - CUSTODY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 58 - DAMAGE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 59 - DAWN

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 60 - DEATH

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 61 - DEBT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 54 - CRIME

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 63 - DECISION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 55 - CULPRIT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 62 - DECEPTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 64 - DEFECT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 65 - DEFICIENCY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 66 - DEGREE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 67 - DELUSION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 68 - DENSITY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 69 - DESCENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 71 - DESTINATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 70 - DESIRE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 72 - DESTINY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 74 - DETRIMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 75 - DEVELOPMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 76 - DILEMMA

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 78 - DISCREPANCY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 79 - DISCUSSION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 80 - DISEASE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 81 - DISGUST

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 73 - DESTRUCTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 77 - DISCOVERY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 83 - DISTANCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 84 - DRAWBACK

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 86 - EMPLOYMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 85 - DROUGHT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 87 - ENGINE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 88 - ENTERPRISE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 89 - ERA

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 90 - ESSENCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 91 - EVIDENCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 94 - EXPEDITION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 95 - FAILURE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 96 - FATIGUE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 93 - EXPECTANCY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 97 - FICTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 92 - EXPANSION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 98 - FOG

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 101 - GOODS

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 99 - GENOCIDE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 104 - GUILT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 100 - GIFT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 105 - HAZARD

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 102 - GOVERNOR

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 106 - HERITAGE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 103 - GRIEF

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 108 - INCENTIVE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 109 - INCLINATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 107 - IMPACT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 112 - INSTRUMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 113 - INSURANCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 114 - INTERVAL

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 110 - INCOME

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 115 - INTUITION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 111 - INFLUX

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 116 - INVENTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 117 - INVESTIGATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 120 - LITTER

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 119 - JUSTICE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 118 - JUDGE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 121 - LOCATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 122 - MAINTENANCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 82 - DISPARITY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 124 - MANAGEMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 126 - MUTINY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 127 - NEGOTIATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 128- OPPOSITION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 125 - MERCHANDISE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 129 - OPTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 130 - OUTCOME

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 123 - MALNUTRITION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 132 - PARTICIPATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 131 - PARADOX

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 134 - PRECAUTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 135 - PRECIPITATION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 136 - PREDICTION

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 137 - RELIEF

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 139 - SCOPE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 138 - RESEMBLANCE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 142 - STORAGE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 133 - POISON

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 140 - SOLIDARITY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 144 - TERRITORY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 141 - STATEMENT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 143 - TEMPER

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 145 - TRAIT

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 146 - TRIUMPH

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 147 - TURMOIL

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 148 - TYRANNY

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 149 - WELFARE

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 150 - WILDERNESS

Ersin Hoca - nouns - nouns 151 - WISDOM

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 1. abstain from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 2. accuse of

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 3. adapt to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 4. admit to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 9. attribute to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 10. base on

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 6. apologize for

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 7. approve of

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 8. argue with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 5. agree on (upon)

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 12. belong to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 11. believe in

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 13. benefit from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 14. blame for

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 15. boast about - of

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 16. borrow from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 18. charge sb with sth

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 19. choose between

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 20. coincide with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 21. collide with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 22. combine with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 23. comment upon - on

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 24. compare to - with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 25. compensate for

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 17. care about

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 26. compete against

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 28. concentrate on

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 29. confess to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 30. conflict with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 31. confuse with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 32. congratulate on

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 33. consist of

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 34. contribute to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 35. cope with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 36. correspond with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 37. deduce from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 38. demand from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 39. depend on - upon

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 40. derive from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 42. die of - from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 27. complain about

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 41. deter from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 43. differ from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 44. disagree with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 45. disapprove of

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 46. discuss with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 47. distinguish from - between

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 48. distract from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 49. elaborate on

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 50. emerge from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 51. equip with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 52. escape from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 53. expel from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 54. experiment on

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 55. fight against - with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 56. forgive sb for sth

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 57. gaze at

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 58. get tired of

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 59. happen to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 60. help sb with sth

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 61. hope for

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 62. insist on

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 63. introduce to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 64. invest in

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 65. invite to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 66. involve in

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 67. prohibit from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 68. provide with - for

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 69. punish for

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 72. remind sb of sth

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 71. recover from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 73. reply to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 70. react to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 74. rescue from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 75. result in

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 76. retire from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 77. search for

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 78. separate from

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 79. share with

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 80. shout at

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 81. smile at

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 82. specialize in

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 83. spend on

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 84. subject to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 85. subscribe to

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 86. substitute for

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 89. use for

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 87. succeed in

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 90. vote for - against

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 88. suspect of

Ersin Hoca - verb + preposition - 91. worry about

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 1 ABANDON

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 5 ABUSE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 6 ACCEPT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 7 ACCOMPLISH

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 8 ADAPT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 2 ABDUCT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 4 ABSORB

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 3 ABOLISH

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 9 ADMIRE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 10 ADMIT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 11 ADOPT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 12 ADVOCATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 13 AFFECT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 14 AFFORD

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 16 ALLEGE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 17 ALLOCATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 18 ALLOW

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 19 ALTER

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 20 ANNOY

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 15 AGREE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 21 ANTICIPATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 24 APPRECIATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 23 APPRAISE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 25 APPROVE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 26 ARGUE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 22 APPLY

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 27 ARRANGE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 28 ASPIRE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 29 ASSUME

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 31 AVOID

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 32 BAN

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 33 BEAR

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 30 ATTACK

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 34 BELIEVE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 35 BETRAY

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 36 BOAST

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 37 CANCEL

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 39 CHOOSE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 38 CEASE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 40 CITE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 41 CLARIFY

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 42 COLLAPSE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 44 COLLIDE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 43 COLLECT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 45 COMBAT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 46 COMMIT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 47 COMPARE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 48 COMPEL

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 49 COMPENSATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 50 COMPLAIN

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 51 COMPREHEND

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 52 COMPRISE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 53 CONDEMN

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 54 CONFINE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 55 CONFORM

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 56 CONNECT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 57 CONSERVE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 58 CONSULT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 59 CONSUME

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 60 CONTRIBUTE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 62 CORRECT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 63 CREATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 64 CURE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 61 CONVINCE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 66 DEFEAT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 67 DELAY

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 68 DELIVER

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 69 DEMONSTRATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 65 DEDICATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 70 DENY

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 71 DESERT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 72 DESERVE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 73 DESPISE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 74 DETERMINE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 75 DEVASTATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 76 DIE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 77 DIMINISH

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 78 DISAPPEAR

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 81 DISTINGUISH

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 80 DISPERSE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 83 ELIMINATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 84 EMBEZZLE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 85 EMIT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 79 DISMISS

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 82 DRAW

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 87 ENCOUNTER

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 86 EMPHASIZE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 88 ENCOURAGE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 89 ENHANCE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 90 ENTAIL

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 91 ERUPT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 92 EVACUATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 93 EVOLVE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 94 EXAGGERATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 95 EXAMINE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 96 EXERT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 97 EXIST

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 98 EXPEND

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 99 EXPERINCE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 100 EXPIRE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 101 EXPLOIT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 102 FACILITATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 103 FLOURISH

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 104 FORGIVE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 105 FOUND

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 106 FRUSTRATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 107 FULFILL

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 110 HAPPEN

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 109 HANDLE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 111 HUMILIATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 112 IMPAIR

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 113 IMPRESS

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 108 GAIN

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 114 INFER

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 115 INFORM

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 116 JOIN

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 117 KILL

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 118 LEAD (TO)

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 119 LEND

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 120 LIE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 121 LOSE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 122 MIND

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 123 MISS

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 124 OFFER

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 125 ORDER

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 126 PREVENT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 127 PRODUCE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 128 PROMISE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 129 PROVE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 130 PROVOKE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 131 PUBLISH

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 132 REACH

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 134 REFER

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 135 REFLECT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 133 RECEIVE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 136 REINFORCE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 138 REPEAT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 139 REPRESENT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 137 REMAIN

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 141 SACRIFICE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 140 RESUME

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 142 SEEK

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 143 SEPARATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 144 SUFFER

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 145 SWEAT

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 146 TEND

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 147 THROW

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 149 VIOLATE

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 151 WARN

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 152 WONDER

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 153 WORRY

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 148 TORTURE

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 001

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 002

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 003

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 004

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 005

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 006

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 008

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 010

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 009

Ersin Hoca - verbs - 150 VOTE

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 007

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 013

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 012

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 011

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 014

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 015

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 016

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 017

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 018

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 019

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 020

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 021

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 022

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 023

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 024

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 025

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 026

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 029

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 028

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 030

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 027

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 031

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 032

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 033

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 034

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 035

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 036

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 037

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 038

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 039

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 040

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 041

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 042

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 045

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 043

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 046

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 044

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 047

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 048

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 049

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 050

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 051

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 053

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 052

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 054

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 055

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 057

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 058

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 059

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 060

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 056

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 062

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 061

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 063

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 064

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 065

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 068

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 069

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 066

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 067

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 070

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 071

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 072

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 073

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 074

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 075

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 077

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 076

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 078

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 079

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 080

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 081 - 085

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 086 - 090

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 091 - 095

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 096 - 100

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 101 - 105

Ersin Hoca - vocabulary - soru çözümleri - Voc. Q. 106 - 110
